SO-Private paid direct messaging
Last updated
Last updated
As a registered user, you can also use our “SO-Private” feature to bid for your session, win the bid and talk to your favorite creator in a one-on-one private text chat! Join the community that was created by the creator you would like to chat with, and then click on Start under “SO-Private”.
You will be automatically provided with a privilege of 3 free messages! If you would like to continue the bidding process, click Yes.
Place a bid you think is appropriate, and proceed.
After the bid is successfully put, you can wait for your creator to choose to start a private chatting session with you! You can see your biddings here in the message side button, and “Requesting” thumbnail.
You can see the current rank, current bid, withdraw your bid, or increase your bid after 24hrs of the initial bid.
Enjoy your private session with your creator once the bid is accepted and become active!